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KBA Koenig & Bauer Group
manroland AG
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Gigabyte AirCruiser Wireless Adapter GN WB01GS

ID 2837
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Short description Gigabyte AirCruiser Wireless Adapter GN WB01GS
Price (in €) on request

Model ---
Year of manufacture 0000
Warranty until ---

Long description AirCruiser Wireless Adapter GN WB01GS Gigabyte Technology

With a Gigabyte wireless router, use the built in smart setup 3 to secure a wireless network configured in minutes!

Wireless Security

Protect and secure your network with multiple levels of WEP and WPA/WPA2 (Wi Fi Protected Access â„¢) encryption

Network Compatibility

Wi Fi compliant and 100% compatible with all 802.11b and 802.11g wireless network devices in the 2.4 GHz band.

Weight ---
Dimensions (LxWxH) ---

Location Germany
Region NRW

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